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Finds first occurrence of item in column, then returns value from same row as ...

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Listbox 1st item [Any]

Allow user to select [Any] as first item in list that will deselect all other ...

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Runs a certain macro on certain time. This is not a scheduler, but just simple ...

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Adds amount to active cell, or subtract Applies to selected cell in current ...

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ANmaBatchCreate + ANmaBatchRun

Creates batch file with certain content, and another function to actually ...

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Searches for a setting value in set of Settings, in Excel spreadsheet using ...

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Removes last row in a table starting certain cell. Creating and using this ...

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Finds a matching item of a number in list of numbers. Returns 1 if found, 0 if ...

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Sort 3 arrays, ascending or descending based on 1st array. Needed for specific ...

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Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...

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Converts sheet range to ANString, can work on any continued range, 1 or 2 ...

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Removes duplicated items from a 1-dim array into new array, does not modify ...

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Creates "Update Table " SQL statements to be executed inside SQL to modify ...

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Img not found - Temp pic

Showing image not found if img src image is missing

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A button in iframe, to run certain command and return status to end user ...

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OST Outlook file location

Outlook OST (and PST) files to be saved in different location Instruction can ...