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New VBS file

Add vbs to new menu in Windows Explorer. Fast way to create VBS files using reg ...

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Counts how many values are True (or anything) in an array of boolean values ...

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Calculates the differences of date (against NOW) and return in English ...

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Shows a text in textbox as separate window Caller can modify size of textbox, ...

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Simplest way to rank among peers. used COUNTIFS in case we need to add more ...

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Old cell value

Nice solution to read value in cell AFTER changed. Needed to have that feature ...

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Checks if range has at least one error in a range of cells Fast, and simple

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InStr and InStrRev

How to use InStr and InStrRev VB functions It is silly, I know, but I keep ...

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Tabindex in multipage

Tabindex and forcing focus to show in textbox if we have multipage control. ...

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Cleans array of unwanted items This usually needed after you merge two arrays, ...

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Highlight row of current month

Highlight row in Excel if it is within current month This is another version ...

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Add to textbox from listbox (select option) ensure its uniqueness

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Frm81 - FullDetails

Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...

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Calculates X, Y of position on a Circle or ellipse. Pass the center X, Y of ...

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Logging use of executable in Windows

Log the use of .exe, .lnk, .pif, .bat, and .com files on your computer. All it ...

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setSelectedIndex byname and byval

Set active (Selected) item in listbox using javascript Imported and modified ...