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Files list to text

One of easy ways to convert list of files in a folder into list (txt files) ...

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Save to, Read from, Delete registry key

Save into registry, read from registry or delete a key. Accessible to only ...

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HeadingZeros Remove and Add

Adds or remove zeros at start of string Used to clear heading zeros from ...

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Unmerges all merged cells and duplicate cell contents into them. In another ...

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Counts how many words found inside a string. Using space, tab or enter as ...

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Convert http found inside text into anchers < a >, aka URLlinker, aka ...

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ANma_HTML2DB + ANma_DB2HTML + ...

Convert HTML text into DB-safe string, by converting some characters as below. ...

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An embed text editor for bootstrap Get official latest release from

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Arabic VS Hindi numbers

Settings to force Microsoft Word to show Hindi numbers with Arabic text, or ...

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Restore Arabic text files

Solution to restore ASCII Arabic text files. Sometimes I noticed when system ...

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Convert numbers into Arabic words, like 230 to مائتان وثلاثون I have multiple ...

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VBInstr (or Instr parameters)

The great function InStr I use a lot has a small confusing part. Which string ...

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Formats a given 10 digit number into a nice looking phone number

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Converts anything into an integer I used the function VAL() a lot, it is in ...

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Format a number with total number of digits I used it to format a date as ...

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Does what Server.URLEncode does In case you needed it, not sure when