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Tree code, driven by Access DB A code I found somewhere online that I enhanced ...

Card image cap
Fancybox v2 apply

Applying Fancybox v2 from (

Card image cap

Just like FilesIn function, but this one returns list of images only found in a ...

Card image cap

ASP.Net ShowThumb.aspx file that generates image thumb from an image, official ...

Card image cap

Converts a string into proper case PCase or ProperCase since Classic ASP does ...

Card image cap
Records Affected by Execute command

Records affected by sql Execute command ...

Card image cap
Thumbnail on fly

An aspx tool to generate thumbnail from an image, used to make page load faster ...

Card image cap

Adds Validation drop-down to a cell (Data --> Validation --> List), or to a ...

Card image cap

Gets a random image from a folder of files, passed as an unMapPathed (HTML) ...

Card image cap
PCase (ProperCase)

Just like UCase and LCase, ProperCase (or PCase) will capitalize 1st letter of ...

Card image cap

Returns someones astrology sign using their birthday in m/dd/yyyy or m/dd/yy ...

Card image cap
Textbox focus issue fix

Trick to force textbox with multiple lines and scrollbars to refresh itself ...

Card image cap

Calculates the area of objects. Pass formula argument as string and values as ...

Card image cap

Rotates an image using irfanview (i_view32.exe attached) Rotated image can be ...

Card image cap

Creates a thumb of an image using IrfanView Thumbnail filename will have _th ...

Card image cap

Capitalize 1st letter of a string