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Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute Identify attribute ...

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Cuts a string from certain character to certain character with option of either ...

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Inserts numeric random unique ID in a column in sheet, specify column, sheet, ...

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HTML5 tags cheatsheet

A simple graphic illustrates the new HTML5 tags and differences against old ones

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Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

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Modify volume using nircmd

Batch file to lower volume of computer system (using nircmd.exe).

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Hiding chart in Excel

How to hide a full chart in Excel. By treating it as shape, not as chart.

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ASP to static HTML

Convert Dynamic ASP files into HTML (once daily) to make them faster when ...

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Wrong file permissions

Fix to unable to delete file from FTP server after uploading using PHP function ...

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Pps vs ppsx

PowerPoint slideshow file types and differences in file size. Bottom line, if ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Convert Quarter code to text per special project requirements. A special ...

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Reads file and showing it as Bootstrap row, with ability to replace variables ...

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Resize_Me2 + Resize_Me3

Resizes Excel window to certain small size and location (hard-coded) and hide ...

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CellSave and CellRead

Reads a cell or Saves value into certain cell, in certain sheet and workbook. ...

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Counts how many duplicates found in a range of Excel cells. Basically how many ...