Search results 19

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Excel 2408 bug

Serious bug in Office update that was pushed Aug 26th. At least from Excel ...

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Returns the date of 1st day or last day in a Quarter Mar 31st, Jun 30th, Sep ...

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Finds 3 numbers in a string by ignoring characters between them. ' example ...

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Calculates Unix date/time number of a given date/time. Needed it to pass ...

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Runs a certain macro on certain time. This is not a scheduler, but just simple ...

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SQL Related posts

Steps to create related posts query in SQL. Index, catalog, matching posts for ...

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A button in iframe, to run certain command and return status to end user ...

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Nice simple elegant tabs in Bootstrap 4 Originally from

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Long filename

How to delete or rename file with long filename, say more than 200 chars. ...

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Shorten a long Dir by adding ... in the middle to make it fit in small boxes ...

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Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

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Excel macro to show all files found in directory (including sub-directories) as ...

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Convert numbers into Arabic words, like 230 to مائتان وثلاثون I have multiple ...

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Returning information on an MP3 file. Returns a type containing information ...

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[TAB] inside textarea

Allow textarea's to accept TAB key (ASCII code 63) Could use some enhancements, ...

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Rounds the number of minutes to the nearest quarter of half like 4:32 to 4:30 ...