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Gototop + Circular scroll progress

JS icon to show progress of scroll in webpage having button to go back to top. ...

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FontAwesome Custom icons issue

I faced an issue the past few weeks when trying to add my own icon to ...

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Creates list of images to represents a number. Basically multiple < img > tags ...

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FontAwesome icons in Office apps

Best way to use FontAwesome set of icons in apps, mainly my Excel tools and ...

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A message box with checkbox, 1 command button says ok only. Caller can set ...

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Excel ribbon

Add ribbon menu to certain macro-based workbook to run macro, will only be ...

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Save Excel range (or shape) to picture

This is an interesting approach to export a range of cells into picture using ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Navbar with counts

Bootstrap 4 Navbar with icons and counts as badges originally from

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Simple redirecting function, used to direct users from one domain into another ...

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A classic ASP include file to read txt file of list into a page using bootstrap ...

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Construction graphics 27

27 graphics for construction, or under construction

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Service cards

Service cards in Bootstrap3, simple, and customizable. From Bootsnipp

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CSS Buttons B4BS

This was used widely on my end before we got Bootstrap. Still have potential ...

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CSS file icons

Create file icon for any extension using css only, no images

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file icons in CSS

Pure CSS file icons, for any extension, no image