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Showing 4k (and more) images in BS5 modal
Allow users to browse and scroll through tons of images to select one (tried on ...
Walking Columns (Scrollable Columns-Chart)
Allow users to scroll through columns in column-chart. Used chart.js, this is ...
RegSave, RegRead, RegDelete
Windows Registry read, save and delete branch node or key. Three functions use ...
ListBox bug with TabIndex
Setting TabIndex for a listbox to 0 in a Userform will have some issues when ...
Free online tools -
Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...
Send workbook as email attachment
Retro way to send a workbook you are in as an email. Found it in one of my old ...
Win10 ThisPC Virtual locations
I hate it when Windows forcing us to have additional items in "This PC" So, I ...
SQL Cross Apply String_Split with XML Path
SQL select statement to convert list of IDs found in column (from more than row ...
GeWin - get windows list
Gets all windows that are enabled and actived and put them in a list. It also ...