Search results 18
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Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...
Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...
Showing 4k (and more) images in BS5 modal
Allow users to browse and scroll through tons of images to select one (tried on ...
Feature-rich Lightbox Gallery BS5
A JavaScript lightbox gallery plugin for showcasing images, videos, Instagram ...
WordPress - Excel functions (AI)
3 functions to download posts, adds new post and to upload and set featured ...
Bootstrap Please wait dialog
Bootstrap wait dialog. Shows progress bar asking user to wait while page is ...
Fancybox v3 apply
The newest version, made with mobile swipe in mind, and has a lot of features, ...
MinIF and MaxIF in Excel 2010
MinIF to calculate smallest number matching certain criteria, in Excel 2010 ...