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Card image cap

Returns a value based on an ID. If ID is 1, return 1st value, If ID is 2, ...

Card image cap

Remove tags that are identical and nested inside each other in an HTML document, ...

Card image cap

Returns credit card type and whether it is valid or not. Found it in my old ...

Card image cap

Luhn function to return true or false if is valid based on Luhn identification ...

Card image cap
Excel user name

Get application user name or change it Originally from

Card image cap

Reads value of certain tag attribute from certain attribute Identify attribute ...

Card image cap

Checks if ID has been reset in SQL database table If yes, it will reset it and ...

Card image cap
Reset ID Column

How to reset ID Column in Microsoft SQL, (not completed yet). This is because ...

Card image cap
Rows 2 Cell

Convert items found in a column matching certain material into list in 1 cell ...

Card image cap

Get the ID of the last inserted record in a table. There are other methods, ...

Card image cap

SQL function to generate random string I thought it would be easier to find ...

Card image cap
Split string into table

Returns tag words (as table) in Microsoft SQL Separator set to comma, but you ...

Card image cap

Compares between two files in binary mode and returns true if they are ...

Card image cap

Reversing a file This tip demonstrates how to reverse a whole file. This ...