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Returns information about first file name found after sorting matching files in ...

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Reads image dimensions, width, height, depth and image type. Details returned ...

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Selects a shape inside sheet to change it, or if not found, it will create it ...

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Frm81 - FullDetails

Show window of details, can be used to show content for certain cell, or show ...

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Web.config Redirect

Redirect domain to another, including all its sub pages, sub folders, and ...

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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

MouseDown and MouseUp in VBA (fm20 controls) are different from those in VB6 ...

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A progressbar (or meter) in JQuery, customized with nice options

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VBInstr (or Instr parameters)

The great function InStr I use a lot has a small confusing part. Which string ...

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Runs a macro from another workbook without parameters (WB Workbook has to be ...

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Converts a Metric Measure into a US Standard Measure. Arguments: ...

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Converts US Standard Measure into a Metric Measure. Arguments: ...

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Limit Textarea

Show number of characters in a textarea and limit if it goes greater than ...

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Generate HTML tags with thier parameters as name=value pairs ' Example of ...

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Calculate distance between two points (Latitude, Longitude) LatLon1 and ...

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ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available ...

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Download a file from URL from inside Excel into certain path, returns blank if ...