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Card image cap

Returns the number from an HTML cell after cleaning and finding sign. We faced ...

Card image cap

Returns how many decimal places the number have

Card image cap

Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...

Card image cap

Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...

Card image cap

Switch text inside cells with another text. This was needed to correct an bug ...

Card image cap
Free online tools -

Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...

Card image cap
Lazy image loading + placeholder

Setup lazy image loading plus setting placeholder to images. Using

Card image cap

Cleans block of string (HTML block) from characters that are not needed Can ...

Card image cap

Finds how many a string found inside larger string. Similar to Frequency but ...

Card image cap
SQL Date from DateTime

Extract Date from Datetime field in SQL An old method I found in my archive.

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Replace strings found in list of strings from inside a string, does that make ...

Card image cap

Returns True if found as full, False if not found as full Full word means word ...

Card image cap
Refresh Table from View

Convert SQL View into table for speed reading. Using views a lot, I needed a ...

Card image cap

Forces Excel to not convert numbers during moving them across sheets, or ...

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Reading price of an item in Amazon. An AI-generated function with AI-generated ...

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FontAwesome icons in Office apps

Best way to use FontAwesome set of icons in apps, mainly my Excel tools and ...