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Free online tools -

Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...

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Win10 ThisPC Virtual locations

I hate it when Windows forcing us to have additional items in "This PC" So, I ...

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Adds date to column1 when user enters text in column2. Also, if user remove ...

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Excel user name

Get application user name or change it Originally from

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Excel recovered files

Location of Excel recovery workbooks in your system when Excel crashes, it ...

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Listbox 1st item [Any]

Allow user to select [Any] as first item in list that will deselect all other ...

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Show ActiveUsers in webpage using ASP Classic, this also works as an example of ...

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Exports range to an image, something we wanted to be able to do for a while now. ...

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ShapeName clicked

Simple command to know which object (shape) the user clicked When you assign a ...

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Frm6 - ANmaMultiSelect

Give users ability to multi-select from list of items into cells with separator. ...

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Allows users to inserts image into sheet, replacing old one, with ability to ...

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List of all variables of Environ It will populate them in sheet range starting ...

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Asks user to select an image and returns full path and name of selected image ...

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Find the user name (and domain) for logged in user for in an internal intranet ...

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Two functions to generate ID that is unique (not found in database) ...

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Simple redirecting function, used to direct users from one domain into another ...