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Adds databars conditional formatting to range of cells. Passing column, start ...

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Excel ribbon

Add ribbon menu to certain macro-based workbook to run macro, will only be ...

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2 pdf books

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VBA vs ASP Classic

Differences between coding in VB in Classic ASP (aka VBScript) and VBA (aka ...

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Porting Excel/VBA into OpenOffice Calc

PDF document on what needed to import VBA from Excel into OpenOffice Calc Basic

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OpenOffice Calc

OpenOffice programming with Visual Basic Some document I had for my reference.

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Comment and de-comment lines quickly in VBE Create shortcuts inside VBE to ...

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Disables or Enables certain Excel built-in shortcut. Code has example on how ...

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Base64encode + Base64decode

Encodes and decodes a string, Base64 is used to convert binary data (like ...