Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them).
I used these small macros a lot to add a daily of semi-daily logs to my daily spreadsheets, like daily weight, exercise logs, and other habits I want to track.
This macro helped in adding the new record at bottom of list then sort the list to make the newly added record at top.
You may change the order, and where to use. Just assign it to a command and enjoy.
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Linkedin LoginColumn1, Column2, FromRow, ToRow, Optional Shee = "Active", Optional WB = "This", Optional ThenSort = 0, Optiona SortByCol = 1, Optional SortOrder = 1
Example call: ANmAdd_ThenSort_2Columns "C", "D", 6, 7, "Sheet1", "MyWb.xlsm", 1, 1, 1)
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