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ListBox_Read and ListBox_Save
Reads or saves to a certain column in multi-column listbox in VBA Userform Can ...

Reads < table .... < /table> found after index Have ability to opnly bring the ...

Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...

Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...

Match5_5thNot0 and Match6_6thNot0
Searches for 4 cells in 4 columns then checks for 5th column to not equal zero ...

Sheet_RowID_Generate + _LastUsed
Generate random unique ID in a column as IDyyyymmRRRR And the second function ...

Gets no of columns in an HTML table. It actually gets the maximum number of ...

COunts unique cells found in a column. Passing sheetname, workbook name and ...