Search results 251
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Searches for string inside string with multiple possibilities if the char & ...
OrderedList in Arabic Alphabet
Using Arabic in ordered list in HTML, as Abjad or Alphabet. Was playing with ...
ProgressPie SVG
jQuery library to create ProgressPie SVGs. Simple, perfect, works
Lazy image loading + placeholder
Setup lazy image loading plus setting placeholder to images. Using
Install/Uninstall SQLNativeClient DB driver
Install/Uninstall SQL DB driver. SQLNCLI.msi that is needed when you do ...
Int function in ASP Classic (cint vs fix)
If you are looking for a function ASP Classic (VBScript) to do what Int() does ...
Minify + Unminify tools online
Minify and unminify tools online, mainly js and css, free Unminify js, css, ...
Collect strings matching search from a longer string. I used it to concatenate ...