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Win10 ThisPC Virtual locations

I hate it when Windows forcing us to have additional items in "This PC" So, I ...

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Similar to VBInstr, but this one does it in reverse, which is instrrev() ...

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Show or hide item (or items) in PivotTable for a certain field. Passing ...

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Shows or hides an item or items in a PivotTable filter field. Passing ...

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Reads image dimensions, width, height, depth and image type. Details returned ...

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Reads array of arrays from the parent and return back ANString of 3 columns

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Remove Managed by Your Organization from Edge

AI helped me here to remove the message on my browser of (Managed by your ...

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Reads array into list of ANString, from [ until ] for the giving array name. ...

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Reads certain value for a certain setting from FullJSONString text block. See ...

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Excel clipboard bug

Looks like there is a bug in Excel when dealing with copy and paste. Excel ...

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Clears all filters in PivotTable and hide the [blank] item from list, pass ...

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Timeline css

CSS Timeline, simple, easy, nice piece from bootsnipp From

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Filter database into new sheet, by copying certain columns only, not whole ...

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blueimp Gallery

Touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image and video gallery, carousel ...

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List All Pivot Tables and their Sources for a given workbook into sheet. ...

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Web.config redirect

Redirect URLs to certain page passing its name. This is web.config from one of ...