Search results 318
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OrderedList in Arabic Alphabet
Using Arabic in ordered list in HTML, as Abjad or Alphabet. Was playing with ...
Free online tools -
Bunch of online some text and image tools, helpful for most online users these ...
ProgressPie SVG
jQuery library to create ProgressPie SVGs. Simple, perfect, works
Lazy image loading + placeholder
Setup lazy image loading plus setting placeholder to images. Using
Install/Uninstall SQLNativeClient DB driver
Install/Uninstall SQL DB driver. SQLNCLI.msi that is needed when you do ...
Random Number in SQL
Generate Random number inside SQL using timestamp (GetDate function) One of ...
Minify + Unminify tools online
Minify and unminify tools online, mainly js and css, free Unminify js, css, ...
SettingRead_Ajax + SettingRead_Ajax_IntoObject
Two functions to return an output of file into object on page or back to caller ...