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Browser window in a userform Just add Frm3 and call Frm3.Frm3_OpenWeb passing ...

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Returns credit card type and whether it is valid or not. Found it in my old ...

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List_of_Names + DeleteNames

List names in a certain workbook into sheet. And Deletes those names. You may ...

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Userform to switch names of two files. Basically renaming two files with each ...

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Excel user name

Get application user name or change it Originally from

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Autofit height iframe

iframe with animated gif to show while loading content, when iframe is fully ...

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MapPath version expecting comma in filename or folder. Just because we might ...

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Feature-rich Lightbox Gallery BS5

A JavaScript lightbox gallery plugin for showcasing images, videos, Instagram ...

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Reads file in binary mode as blocks Starts reading from start in sequential ...

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Dynamic iframe height

Adjust iframe height to its content after loading page Needed this trick in ...

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Reads certain chunk of a file in binary. Used with large files (like ~7gb ...

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Returns date in human format. Which is as follows... Just day name (and time) ...

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Reads last some characters of a file, needs to see contents of large files that ...

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Excel recovered files

Location of Excel recovery workbooks in your system when Excel crashes, it ...

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Returns cleaned file name of invalid characters. Needs to be modified if used ...

Card image cap

Calculates Unix date/time number of a given date/time. Needed it to pass ...