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Check if the string has special characters or not, only Letters or digits ...

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Check if browser is for a mobile or tablet, or not. This was before we have ...

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Checks to see if a number is a primary number. Prime numbers are commonly found ...

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Does a weighted average, knowing that mathematical average between two numbers ...

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Removes [Enter]s from imported csv file into Excel worksheet. Smart enough to ...

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Compares between two files in binary mode and returns true if they are ...

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HaveNonEnglish + StringASCIIs

Checks if one char is within two ASCII codes or not (StringASCIIs) Used to see ...

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Check if an Excel file is running from 'Temp' location or regular folder This ...

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Matching by two values at the same time in two columns Just like Match the ...

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Opens Workbook without running AutoMacros and without letting the user know ...

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Create list of selected items in MSForms listbox as string separated by | Or ...

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Checks how many items in an ANStr ANStr is list of items separated by a ...

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Numbers in Textbox

Force textbox to accept numbers only. Needs adjustments to work on VB6

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Check a string to see if it is Hex

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Create and Write Log File

The subprocedure can be called by any ASP applicaiton/page which needs to ...

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Checks if file is an image using its filename extension