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MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

Full story of MouseDown and MouseUp in FM20 controls

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Center Userform

Looks like forcing a Userform to be in center of an application is not as easy ...

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Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...

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Mini Ajax-php upload form

Simple elegant form to upload files with php/ajax. From

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GeWin - get windows list

Gets all windows that are enabled and actived and put them in a list. It also ...

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LEGO UI Controls

Nice CSS-LEGO-UI Controls Originally from

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Modal form open Workbook

Do not open workbook from userform after .show

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Windows Common Controls 6.0

This is the needed library to have Windows Common Controls installed to be used ...

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Antispam - Hiding textbox

Anti spam email web form idea.

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Tabindex in multipage

Tabindex and forcing focus to show in textbox if we have multipage control. ...

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fNMRPrgs, Full-form progress bar (frm77)

Show progress bar inside userform, with option to control lots of things. This ...

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Frm6 - ANmaMultiSelect

Give users ability to multi-select from list of items into cells with separator. ...

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Bootstrap Editable Table

Editable table with Bootstrap 4, with multiple controls, having: Checkbox for ...

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Sort items in Fm20 Listbox using Excel spreadsheet Sort function. Can decide ...

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Credit Card form

Javascript-based card form with pure CSS/JS and no images From

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Toggle navbar with Slide Down Animation

TOggle Navbar to show, login form, another list of links, search bar, or ...