Search results 580
Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...
Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...
Adds conditional formatting to color a row in table based on output of formula ...
Detects how many dimensions an address has, This is what I call it dimensions ...
Showing 4k (and more) images in BS5 modal
Allow users to browse and scroll through tons of images to select one (tried on ...
SSL/TLS certificate add/update
Always found myself struggling when applying security to websites for the past ...
JSon functions to add, read and delete entry
3 Json functions to read full node by an image, add full node to file or delete ...
GetPapa + GetSon with variances
Gets the parent folder full name from a path Also Gets the son of a full path. ...
RegSave, RegRead, RegDelete
Windows Registry read, save and delete branch node or key. Three functions use ...