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Returns array of values by an XML expression from XML file. Xmlfilepath is the ...

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Regular expressions (Notepad++)

How to do regular expressions in Notepad ++ search and/or replace Helpful when ...

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Works the same as it's VB IIF equivalent. IIf will coerce an expression into ...

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SharePointURL2Path + Path2SharePointURL

Converts SharePoint URL to regular folder path and the other way, giving the ...

Card image cap
ANBS controls

Set of functions to generate Bootstrap controls as strings. Controls available ...

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Get a Number Suffix They allow you to turn 1 into 1st, 2 into 2nd, etc. giving ...

Card image cap

Check if an Excel file is running from 'Temp' location or regular folder This ...

Card image cap
OpenPassword + ClosePassword

Encrypt / Decrypt a string, convert it to "77 96 105 105 106" or back to ...

Card image cap
Paragraph2Line + Line2Paragraph

Converts paragraph to 1 line text or 1 line text to paragraph Mainly used to ...