Search results 204
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Remove duplicated rows based on 2 columns in a table of any number of columns. ...
Removes duplicated rows in a table based on 4 duplicated columns. Table can be ...
Finds the number of occurrence of a "Numeric" inside a string having a certain ...
Replaces certain occurrence of a string with another inside a string. Like ...
Adds values of 2 cells into 2 columns (usually below them). I used these small ...
SettingSave + SettingRead for NumberFormat
Reads or applies certain NumberFormat to cell in settings. Same patterns as ...
Send workbook as email attachment
Retro way to send a workbook you are in as an email. Found it in one of my old ...
Grandchildren files and count
Returns list of files in 2 level folders Will not find files as children of ...
Apply Number format of 1 decimal to datalabels of specific series in certain ...