
Build a string from a certain column in html table (using < table, < tr, and < td) into 1 string.
Can return only text from that column, or the full HTML structure.
Caller can pass which column, and if needed a certain word to start from and certain word to end with.
Starting from row having the word "StartingWord" in that same column
Stopping at row having the word "StopAtWord" in that same column
Return column from all rows including that 1st row with "StartingWord", excluding row having "StopAtWord"

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Original Work
Function Concatenate_HTMLColumn(FullHTMLTable, ColumnID, Optional StartingWord = "", Optional StopAtWord = "", Optional ReturnHTML = 1)
    ' Reads and concatenate the full HTML or non-HTML of column (ColumnID) from a, HTML table
    ' Starting from row having the word "StartingWord" in that same column
    ' Stopping at row having the word "StopAtWord" in that same column
    ' Return column from all rows including that 1st row with "StartingWord", excluding row having "StopAtWord"
    Rett = ""
    X1 = 1
    AddMe = 0
    If StartingWord = "" Then AddMe = 1
    For Each Row1 In Split(FullHTMLTable, " <tr")
        If X1 = 1 Then GoTo NextRow ' we do not need to read 1st findings, because it is before 1st table
        Row2 = " <tr" & CutString(Row1, , " </tr >") & " </tr >" ' Full HTML row
        ColOfID = CutString3(Row2, ColumnID + 1, " <td")
        If ColOfID = Row2 Then GoTo NextRow
        If AddMe = 0 And StartingWord > "" And VBInstr(StartingWord, ColOfID) > 0 Then AddMe = 1
        If AddMe = 1 And StopAtWord > "" And VBInstr(StopAtWord, ColOfID) > 0 Then Exit For
        If AddMe = 1 Then Rett = Rett & " " & CutString(ColOfID, " >", " </td")
        X1 = X1 + 1
    If ReturnHTML = 0 Then Rett = RemoveHTMLTags(Rett)
    Concatenate_HTMLColumn = Rett
End Function

FullHTMLTable, ColumnID, Optional StartingWord = "", Optional StopAtWord = "", Optional ReturnHTML = 1

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